Delinquent Studios


“Whilst working on the Matrix franchise I was intrigued by the cross platform storytelling; telling the story across the three films, the game, the animated films in The Animatrix,  the website and graphic novels. Additionally, as we made the films we also shot the live action for the game Enter The Matrix. I followed the progress of game technology with the view of simultaneously making a film and a game and sharing the assets. When Epic Games developed Unreal Engine this was now possible. ” Kimble Rendall

Delinquent Studios is the centre where the original stories and productions are developed. Our expertise is in making films. We are looking to partner with a games company. This could be a one-off collaboration for each project or a permanent partnership.

 Additionally we are looking for investment. If you’re interested in investing in Delinquent Studios or the individual projects feel free to contact us via this site.